A 60-minute masterclass shift the Sh*t that is holding you back from consistent 5-figure months in business…

heal your sales and money wounds and end 2023 on a high note.

say no more, I’m in

Held on Monday 23rd of October at 12:30pm AEDT.

I’ve worked with dozens of coaches building successful coaching businesses… many of which have tried SO MANY different marketing and sales techniques before coming to me.

They’ve tried the ‘all hustle, cold DM approach’ (*me internally screaming because YUCK*) and… the deeply feminine ‘let the right ones find me approach’ but still…

No matter what they do, No matter what strategy they implement, No matter how much they change up their language, content and work… they still struggle to hit consistent 5-figure months.

And it SUCKS thinking/feeling ‘is this ever going to be the success I picture in my mind?’ ‘I thought I was following my PURPOSE by creating this, why is it feeling so heavy?’

Sound familiar?

Yeah… it just does not have to be this way.

In this free 60 minute masterclass you will learn exactly how to uncover and heal what is really holding you back from consistent 5-figure months in business…


so you finish 2023 with clients flooding to you and money being magnetised toward you.

It’s money & sales mindset/energy cockblocking their growth.

Success in the online space is more than slapping some sales/content strategies together… yet people are sold a lie, it is just that.

I’m ready for THAT

If it were that simple, don’t you think there’d be a lot more super successful people in this space? Ya… my thoughts exactly.

As a spiritual business coach and mentor when I’m asked ‘why aren’t things moving/happening?’

From my perspective, it’s simple to see why the success isn’t coming…

In MAJORITY of cases… It’s actually not the ‘strategy’ that isn’t working, it’s deeper than that.

HOWEVER, once the money mindset and sales mindset/strategies shift… my clients find themselves becoming magnets toward clients and the strategy they use producing gold (And cash in their bank account).

Because the truth is… 90% of service-based business success relies on MINDSET and ENERGY**

And 5-10% soulful strategy.

And… it’s causing their businesses to stagnate and clients to go off and work with other people.
Without the energy… it’s like putting toast into a toaster, expecting it to toast (*without having the toaster plugged into the wall*) PROBS WON’T MAKE YOU TOAST!


Causing you to do the sales/biz thing over and over… with minimal or little financial return, leaving you feeling hopeless instead of magnetic and in your power.

And what drove me mad was that so many strategy coaches all taught input = output… but failed to mention the input is so heavily influenced by the mindset and strategy we have toward success, money, sales and growth…. And if there is some funky stuff blocking someone - the ‘perfect’ ‘proven’ strategy just won’t hit.

It was a tough pill to swallow … but **once I understood the power of the mind and body in creating/achieving success in the space AND lent into creating a more spiritual, soulful business … my first 5-figure month came FAST!**

AND it’s supported the creation of consistent high 5-figure cash months for me since… plus has supported dozens and dozens of clients creating the same for themselves.

And now, I’m here to share the magic of creating that with you.

I’m not going to lie I also get it, before I got into business mentoring and coaching to service providers… I was mindset coaching for years.


Because, the solution to your business expanding, clients finding you and paying you is bigger than simple strategy…

And… it’s being shared fully, for free in this 60-minute masterclass.

So, if you’re ready to…

  • Stop hustling and have receiving clients/money in business feel light and enjoyable AF
  • End 2023 on a business high note
  • Start attracting soul-mate clients
  • Make more money for the final quarter of this year
  • Say goodbye to scarcity mindset in business

And are ready to learn:

  • The power of your mind and how to harness it for business success
  • How to elevate your business success
  • How to become a sales magnet (without feeling sleazy)
  • How to attract more money into your business


I’m in