A 6-week experience to set up, anchor into and experience your BEST (and most abundant) end of financial year yet.

say less, i am innnn

Starting Thursday 13th of April.

Why? Well it’s simple, it feels draining and heavy instead of light and expansive (which is why you started your business in the first place).

I know you know the feels, it’s about that time of year when you have a buzzing of ideas and the desire to really send it before mid-year…

But carving out the time to plan, action and launch isn’t necessarily always there. Or if it is, you’re a little stumped on where to start/how to go about it…

You’re already in the thick of serving and supporting your clients or are busy with other responsibilities like working your job, taking care of family and living life in general.

So some of the ideas you’ve had brewing, you’re sitting on - instead of sharing.

Perhaps you know you want to do things but aren’t sure what to launch OR … some of the offerings you actually do want to put out there, but you’re stalling.

BUT… the funny thing is, that it doesn’t need to feel like a lot.
In fact, it can be simple, full of ease and actually super enjoyable.

Right now, you’re probably thinking ‘ok but how do I launch all these things? where do I start? what if its too much? What if my audience gets confused? What offerings do I even put out there? is this system even good to use?’

And I get it, I mean… planning, launching, selling and marketing can be A LOT (and pairing that with upholding an expansive mindset too… holllllly it can feel like a lot regardless of how much experience you have).

gimme simplicity

While gaining massive amounts of traction, expanding your business results on an impact level AND a financial level… 

but, it requires a deep awareness of self and a knowledge of how to make things move.


💰 Ending the financial year on an absolute highnote, giving your all to your launches, marketing, clients and content while still living and enjoying life 

💰 Hitting bigger cash results than ever 

💰 Feeling calm, centred and grounded while you change the planet and make BANK when doing it 

THAT is what’s possible and what we’re entering into in BEST EOFY YET.

yo, show me the way

🚀 You are ready to have running (and growing) your business feel LIGHT AF … with systems that support business growth while giving you the space to live too. 

🚀 You want access to systems that suit you, are actionable and replicable.

🚀 You want to know what offerings to create and how to create it

🚀 You are ready to end the financial year on a high note so by the time you hit June 30 you look around thinking ‘wow look what we damn well did’

🚀 You want a space that gives you the opportunity to take your ideas to reality and have next level accountability and support too.


this is for me

BEST EOFY YET is for you if…

Pay in Full



i want in!

  • 6x 60-90 minute group coaching sessions 
  • Additional powerful workbooks with tools support you long after the container ends
  • Access to a ‘laura monitored’ facebook group to connect to like-minded women and ask your burning questions 




i want in!

  • 6x 60-90 minute group coaching sessions 
  • Additional powerful workbooks with tools support you long after the container ends
  • Access to a ‘laura monitored’ facebook group to connect to like-minded women and ask your burning questions 


Do I have Laura looking over my marketing work?

Do I have Laura looking over my marketing work?

No, there is an option to bump up to 1:1 voxer support for in depth feedback and coaching at an additional cost of $1111. These spaces are very limited

I’m new to business, will this help?

I’m new to business, will this help?

Yes, it will help you in structurally setting up planning, launching, marketing and the mindset to expand it

I have experience in business, will this help?

I have experience in business, will this help?

Yes, it will help you in structurally setting up planning, launching, marketing and the mindset to expand it

Will there be time for me to ask questions?

Will there be time for me to ask questions?

Yes, within the sessions and there will be a private fb group to ask one another questions and to connect.

I have a products-based business, is this for me?

I have a products-based business, is this for me?

If your products based business is online and you want to launch new things, then yes. In saying that, it is mostly geared toward service-based businesses.

In Best EOFY yet… you have the opportunity to take your business’ results to the next level, sprint to success and LOVE the process of it. Because you have the know-how, abundant AF mindset and deep support to make it happen

let's blow it up baby