Starting September 19th

*please only join this if you have a certification as a coach and wish to develop further*

This is a free mentorship for coaches looking to uplevel their skillset in a practical way so they can have more confidence in their coaching processes:


I have felt the pull to mentor coaches with their SKILL SET for a while.

And frankly there aren’t spaces for this unless it’s a formal certification

And I do NOT want to create a certification… I do not have all the answers.

But also, when I started and even when I’d done more work in this it didn’t feel like there were spaces available where you could solidify what you know, further develop your skills and learn more.

My aim with this space is for up and coming coaches to feel more confident in getting their clients results.

Because from there tackling things like business and systems will feel easier. Being confident in your work comes from having a skillset.

Do I think everyone always needs another certification? No. (Partly why I will never create one)

Do I think having a space to bounce ideas and processes and gain advice would be beneficial? Yes.

So I’m creating it.

Where you can practice coaching and build your CONFIDENCE in YOUR processes.

Why do this with me?

Well I’ve been in the space since 2017 and in that time I’ve trained in NLP, psychology, embodiment, breathwork, trauma informed coaching, hypnosis, healing, psychic abilities, mediumship and tarot.

There’s been a lot. I’ve also worked with thousands.

I’ve been in the trenches with clients for many years developing and learning how to practically apply skills you get taught in certifications in a way that is actually useful.

SO… I’m creating a free mentorship.

The way this will look is once a fortnight on a Thursday at 2pm AEST … we will gather for 60-90 minutes and we can discuss the coaching process.

To ultimately build a powerful industry.

Will I teach? Yes
Will you have questions you can ask? Also yes
Will you get to apply techniques? Yeah… let’s do it.

Why do this with me? Well if you want to feel more confident in your processes… you have a practical space to develop that.

What is off the table for discussion? Business chat… I run 1:1 containers on that and you can DM me if you want to know more about it.

This is purely a safe space for you to develop and learn… with an imperfect coach who is willing to have hard conversations. I will also endeavour to engage trainings and teachings from industry powerhouses for you so that this is not only from my perspective…

So if you’re in, this will be held live with no recording available for a replay and occasionally we will run the mentorship in person.

(This will be beneficial when we do things like breath practice, if I do run it in person at times, there will likely be a small investment involved to rent the space).


I’m doing this for you because holy sh* I would have LOVED if this was available to me when I was up and coming but also, it’s time for the industry to be better.

Where can you ensure you’re in? By diving into this email list here then I’ll be in contact with questions to make sure this is catered to you and what you’re looking to learn.

Speak soon!