This is for the woman DONE playing small in her content, offerings and coaching containers. No more ‘just getting by’ or staying stuck in the shadows.

i want in!

the vibe:

In this masterclass ignite your ability to receive downloads, ideas, insight, and awareness and finally TAKE ACTION ON IT to expand your business to new heights.

gimme gimme

Trust in your community to receive you and work with you

Receive more soul-aligned clients

Receive a growing community you connect with

Receive more money in your growing bank acc

And realise why the f*ck you AREN’T receiving in the areas of new ideas, more clients, re-signs, community growth, marketing, sales and money. Looking at YOUR blocks and clearing the fooooooock out of them. 

You are multi-dimensional and SO IS your ability to receive, it’s time to ACTIVATE IT!


  • Sitting at the computer for hours unsure what to post, say or do 
  • Second-guessing your ability to coach and make the impact you want to 
  • Feeling like you have to stay stuck in a particular niche 
  • Repelling your community through your nicey-nice posts 
  • Struggling to charge what you want to charge 
  • Hiding your truth, dulling your message and voice 
  • Feeling constantly stuck in doubt, sabotage and overwhelm 
  • Pedestalling others feeling like ‘SHE HAS IT BECAUSE X,Y,Z’ 
  • All around playing it small


  • Saying what you want to say and writing what you want to write with clarity and confidence
  • Having your Dm’s blow up with statements like ‘ahh i love this energy’ and questions like ‘how can we work together?’
  • Charging what you desire and see dat bank acc rise as your impact rises too
  • Receiving more sales, money, clients, engagement etc

I also want to say I know, get and understand deeply what it feels like to not be breaking through. When it feels like everyone else is nailing their messaging and you’re stuck at the computer for 2 hours asking yourself ‘what the f*ck do I even say?’ watching people launch and execute so quickly and never doing the same.

are you reading my mind? I'm in

I also know what it feels like to dilute myself in the online space to appear more ‘palatable’ and ‘easy to digest’, thinking that was the answer to call people in. That agreeable-ness was success (hint, it’s not).

I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of a business plan that is fundamentally ONE-dimensional and full of tactics that feel manipulative and to be honest, f*cking gross. 

I know what it’s like to model off of other coaches' success thinking ‘THEIR WAY IS THE ONLY WAY’ instead of igniting my own magic, purpose and gifts. To be totally honest, I know exactly how it feels to be stuck af, aware to a certain extent that I’m probably the problem but LITERALLY NO IDEA how to change it.

But babe, you ARE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL and…

I teach this class because, after 5-years of being in this space, I have a deep level of understanding the most common blocks around why coaches aren’t having the impact they want and it has a lot to do with their ability to receive.

i want that magic

More often than not the FEAR of receiving that impact, growth and success they desire is kinda terrifying and the industry can feel super one-dimensional in creating it too.

It’s time for the multi-dimensional, im-perfect women in the coaching community to RISE and expand their businesses to new heights to have the IMPACT they’ve always wanted to have.

It. is. Time.

It is YOUR time to rise.

You ready to f*ck sh*t up and create some magic together? 


Ps. if you can’t join us live, it is being recorded so no stress!