A 60-minute masterclass breaking down what it takes energetically and strategically to be seen and heard as a leader while making bank in business.

Get ready to play in true power, leadership and abundance frequency with a clearcut, no BS approach to strategically growing a service-based business.

say less, i am innnn

If you’ve ever seen someone with a successful online business built around delivering services, you’ll know they have to be great at a few key things. 

For business growth… the most obvious things are marketing and sales.

If you’re not good at that, then honestly… good luck lol

In saying that, the less obvious things for brand and business growth are… being highly skilled in your area of expertise, embodying true leadership and experiencing the willingness to be seen and heard in your power/leadership… no matter how polarising it may be and the projections, it could produce.
While creating a growing and thriving coaching business, I had to master the strategy of running a business while mastering the mindset/energetics that allowed for illogical growth.

And make no mistake, my levels of growth have been illogical AF and required illogical action, that was heavily influenced by the mindset and energetics I embody. (+ sound AF strategy because we don’t f*ck with throwing spaghetti at a wall and waiting to see what sticks lol)

This masterclass is a deep dive into what created illogical levels of growth for my business in the last 18-months to 2 years and what I had to master strategically, energetically and emotionally to create what I have. And let me tell you, we go deep...

i'm ready to deep dive

That doesn’t just HAPPEN… it required intention.

But, what allowed that to happen were specific energetic codes around being seen, heard and banked + soulful business strategy that was LIFE-CHANGING.

Honestly, the more I write about this container the more I can’t believe I am gifting this to you for free… but the pull is there, so I’m honouring it.

In the last two years I have changed my niche and target market, kept prices relatively stable and worked less... yet still grew.
Also, in one quarter of last year while turning over 6-figures ...treated fertility , suffered a loss and went on a 3.5 week long trip to Europe.

i am that in

  • Desire to get in proximity with someone who has gone before you and built a sustainable, highly profitable coaching company that grows year on year REGARDLESS of external circumstances 
  • Are finding yourself experiencing a plateau in business and want that to shift FAST 
  • Are ready to experience illogical AF levels of growth in business, finances, impact and influence
  • Are sick of the ‘high vibe club’ and want real business success that feels light to manage with clients you love
  • Want to learn, and understand how to sell and market in a sustainable way that doesn’t mean you’re too drained for your life (because let’s be real business gets to support life)
  • Ready to anchor into receivership with money REGARDLESS of what's happening in life
  • Want to wake up to people slamming your DM’s with ‘OMG I need to work with you’
  • Want to understand how your business, voice and mission can stand out from the masses 
  • Want to learn how to hold/manouvre through projections as you grow 
  • PLUS… so much more.

This masterclass is for those of you who…

this is definitely for me

being seen

So when you join… bring your journal!
We will be deep diving into three main pillars.

In this masterclass… nothing is off the table and while I share my own experience, I will be sprinkling in how ALL of this is actually applicable to YOU regardless of where you’re at in your journey.

being heard

& being banked

+ All that is required to make that, a fullblown reality where six figure quarters and working with your soulmate clients + having a sh*t tonne of fun BECOMES your reality.


Honestly, until we see someone do/create what we want… we often don’t believe it’s possible or even a reality. And I remember going through mild fertility treatment thinking which included countless doctors appointments, procedures and some fun side-effects from meds ‘god I wish there was someone in my industry who created a profitable business that continued to grow regardless of their life circumstances and were grounded in doing so’...

But then I realised that, that person was me.

I was going to be the one to carve a path for people that showed them the ‘high vibe club’ was overrated and business success got to be your reality because you chose it. Where business got to support your life, not the other way around.

I created this masterclass because I know you can have a super profitable, prosperous business without blowing up your life, burning your relationships and health to the ground. I know it, because I’ve done it

and right now, I am excited to share the codes with you to make that a reality.

Why did I create this masterclass?